(translation from English to Luganda by Ashraf Mulindwa)
How are you? What’s up? Any news?
Muli mutya? Kki ekiriwo? Mawulire ki agaliwo?
There is danger for life!
Waliwo omutawaana gw’obulamu!
It is contagious and it brings tears of suffering to our country.
Gusasaana ate gulta amaziga gw’okubonbona mu ggwanga lyaffe.
Together we can eliminate the virus that will infect us.
Ffenwamu tusobola okujjawo ekirwadde ekina tulwaza ffena.
I feel a lot of bitterness when I see my brothers and sisters here are dying.
Mpulira obulumi bunji bwendaba baganda bange ne bannyinze.
Let’s fight all together to finish that virus.
Twekembe wamu ffena okumalawo ekirwadd, ekirwadde ekyo.
Before it kills all of us, we must mobilize and put an end to suffering.
Nga tekinnaba tusaanyawo ffena, tuyina okwekunga okuteekawo ekkomo.
I, you, that person, when we stand together we can finish it.
Nze, ggwe n’oyo, bwe twegatta awamu tusobla okukimalawo.
Any person who is infected with Ebola virus,
Omuntu yenna akwatiddwa n’ekirwdde ky’Ebola,
take him/her to an Ebola treatment center.
Atwlibwe mukifo ekijjanjbibwmu ekirwadde ky’Ebola.
Ebola Ebola stop stop Ebola.
Ebola Ebola tukomye tukomye Ebola.
Ebola Ebola stop stop Ebola.
Ebola Ebola tukomye tukomye Ebola.
When I got the news I was so shocked that I even failed to cry,
Bwe nnafunye amwulire afunye enkyukwe yamanyi ne nnemwa n’okukaaba,
so I decided to sing a song instead.
Kye nnasazeewo kw kuyimba oluyimba.
I said: don't you see the problem? Look, people are dying around every corner.
Nayambye tolaba kizibu? Laba abantu bafa mubuli nsonda.
Wash hands with clean water and soap before touching anything,
Naabaengalo zo n’amazzi amayonjo ne ssabbuuni nga tona kwata ku kintu kyonna,
before eating, before cooking,
nga tonnalya, nga tonnatandika kufumba,
wash your hands after visiting the toilet,
naaba ngalo zo ngomaze okuva mu kabuyonjo,
after touching animals, after touching anything dirty,
ng’omaze okukwata ku bisoo, ngomaze okukwatankukintu kyonna ekikyaafu,
wash your hands!
naaba engalo zo!
Submission to the Ebola treatment center means you can get cured of the Ebola virus.
Okwewaayo eri awjjanjabibwa ekirwadde ky’Ebola kitegeeza osobla okuwonyezebwa ekirwadd ky’Ebola.
Ebola Ebola stop stop Ebola.
Ebola Ebola tukomye tukomye Ebola.
Ebola Ebola stop stop Ebola.
Ebola Ebola tukomye tukomye Ebola.
Avoid contact or touching the body
Wewale okubeera okumpi n’kukwaata ku mulwadde
of somebody who came down with Ebola virus disease,
Oyo yenna aba alumbiddwa ekirwadde ky’Ebola,
of anybody who is still sick from Ebola virus disease.
oyo yenna aba akyaali omulwadde w’Ebola.
It leads to diarrhea, vomiting, and dizziness,
Kireetera okuddukna okusesema, ne kamunguluze,
from the entire blood full of Ebola virus.
eri omubiri gwonna ogurimu ekirwadde ky’Ebola.
A contact person (of a sick person) receives a vaccine against the Ebola virus.
Omuntu akwatiddwaekirwadde afune okugemebwa eri ekirwadde ky’eboa.
Ebola Ebola stop stop Ebola in my community.
Ebola Ebola tukomye tukomye Ebola mu kitundu kyaffe.
Ebola Ebola stop stop Ebola for our benefits.
Ebola Ebola tukomye tukomye Ebola ku lw’obulungi bwaffe.
Ebola Ebola stop stop Ebola for all people.
Ebola Ebola tukomye tukomye Ebola ku lw’abantu bonna.
Ebola Ebola stop stop Ebola for my community.
Ebola Ebola tukomye tukomye Ebola ku lw’ekitundu kyaffe.
Ebola Ebola stop stop Ebola every where.
Ebola Ebola tukomye tukomye Ebola buli wamu.
Ebola Ebola stop stop Ebola for my community.
Ebola Ebola tukomye tukomye Ebola ku lw’ekitundu kyaffe.
Ebola Ebola stop stop Ebola for all people.
Ebola Ebola tukomye tukomye Ebola ku lw’abantu bonna.
Ebola Ebola stop stop Ebola every day.
Ebola Ebola tukomye tukomye Ebola buli lunaku.
Ebola Ebola stop stop Ebola.
Ebola Ebola tukomye tukomye Ebola.